From West Sumatra : Could that school, students should be risking your own lives

This they did because of the lack of infrastructure as a means to cross the bridge safely and quickly. While the width of Batang (River) Surantih reach more than 20 meters with a relatively swift currents although the river depth averages 50 inches if there is no flood.
If heavy rains and rising Surantih stem surface, the students were forced to cancel a desire to go to school. Conversely, if the current home school rising river water, the students were forced to wait in Nagari Wood Tower which is across Jorong Gastric Bukik and separated by Rod Surantih torrents.
Regent South Coastal Nasrul Abit, Compass confirmed on Monday (12/11), admitted that it did not know where the site is located Jorong. "(Department of) Public Works would later tell me see. If possible, we will begin construction of the bridge in 2013, "he said.
Similar conditions occurred in the River Handap Cipatujah at Hamlet Village, Village Batuhideung, District Cimanggu, Pandeglang, Banten. Every day children across the river reaches 32 feet in width.
Already 3 people swept away
From observation Reuters on Monday, some students seemed to cross the river by way of a convoy. They are mostly elementary students.
The swift river currents make young students must be supervised by a number of their more senior colleagues. Call it Wanda (12) and Rika (12) who were escorting her younger class in two separate group.