IndoLife: Urban Vulnerable Residents Suffer Diabetes

"People with diabetes often live in urban rather than rural or greater amount, including the high national average," said Swastika on the sidelines of education and healthy way in order to World Diabetes Day in Denpasar, on Sunday, November 18, 2012.
An increasing number of people with diabetes in the city, he said, as the changes in people's lifestyles. This lifestyle ranging from diet and others.
Swastika exemplifies Bali. From research conducted since the last eleven years the tendency of people with diabetes or diabetes in urban areas in Bali has increased significantly. "We did a study in 8 villages and towns with a number of respondents about 2,000 people," said Swastika.
Research shows that if the village areas or remote areas smaller percentage. For example, in the area Penglipuran, Tenganan (Karangsem) and Ceningan (Klungkung).
While in urban areas, precisely in Legian, Kuta district, "The prevalence reached 7.3 percent," he said.
Even in areas of Denpasar, discovered the youngest patient was 13 years old. "I've handled two patients aged 13 years in a week. Though father and mother is not diabetic. This needs serious attention," said Swastika.
"Changes in food consumption in urban areas and the increasing prosperity levels contribute to increased diabetes," he added.
If done counting diabetics, compared to other cities of Bali most likely above the national average. Estimated number of people with diabetes in Bali reached 5.9 percent of the island's population of 4 million people.
With the growing trend, continued Swastika, diabetes is a disease ranked second as a dangerous disease. An increase in sufferers each year.
Meanwhile, President Director of Sanofi Group Indonesia, Eric NG explained that according to WHO, in 2008 there were 8.4 million people affected by diabetes. Predicted in 2030 people with this progressive disease will skyrocket to 21.3 million people.
"One of the efforts for education and prevention of this disease we provide education and prepare 500 internists and 5,000 physicians throughout Indonesia," said Eric.