Israeli invasion of Gaza in Threshold

Tel Aviv, Israel business center, also came under fire rockets after Israel launched air strikes began last Wednesday. But no casualties, said Israel. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack on Jerusalem and Tel Aviv that.
Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, held a four-hour meeting with a number of senior ministers in Tel Aviv to discuss further military action. A political source told Reuters said the cabinet doubling the reserve army to attack Gaza to 75 thousand personnel. However, that does not mean they will all be deployed.
The Israeli military said 97 rockets fired from Gaza hit Israel on Friday but can be deflected dome antimisil Israel. Meanwhile, dozens of Israeli bombs hit Gaza, one of them flatten Gaza Interior Ministry building.
Officials in Gaza said 29 Palestinians, 13 of them military, have been killed in this incident. There are eight children and a pregnant woman among civilian casualties.
Hamas clearly not commensurate with the Israeli military. Last Gaza war, during the three weeks between 2008-2009, killing 1,400 Palestinians, mostly civilians. While only thirteen Israeli soldiers were killed.
In terms of weaponry was not worth it. Since then, Israel has installed Iron Dome antimissile system to protect its territory. Thanks to technology made in the United States, hundreds of rockets launched from Hamas in Gaza was ignored.
Israeli Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, the cabinet will also seek approval to fund the development of three new Iron Dome antimissile. Israel's air defense had four Iron Dome and soon will come the fifth.
Iron Dome had the full support of the United States who want to ensure secure Jewish state of Iran's nuclear weapons development. The U.S. Congress approved U.S. $ 205 million for Iron Dome in the 2011 fiscal year that ended September 30. On 27 March, the Obama administration said it would pursue "an appropriate funding" for the next step.
Egypt Expected Reconciling
On Friday, Prime Minister of Egypt, Hisham Kandil, visited Gaza and said Cairo is ready to mediate a ceasefire. U.S. President Barack Obama also has spoken with Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi and the Prime Minister of Israel to reduce tension in Gaza and Israel. Although Obama said the U.S. supports Israeli efforts to defend civilians casualties and deplores Israel and Palestine.
So far, the signals that look, Netanyahu would clear the way for a ground operation in Gaza. The Israeli military has announced a highway connecting Israel and Gaza will be closed to civilian traffic.
Tanks and automatic rifles stand guard near the border looks. Already 16 thousand Israeli reserve soldiers on guard. "The armed forces will continue to attack Israel Hamas hard and preparing broader action in Gaza," said Netanyahu, who will face elections in January.
Asked about the possibility of an Israeli invasion, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said, "Israel must be aware of the graves resulting from the action, and they must bring their own body bags."
Obviously this is the toughest challenge for President Mursi, the politicians of the Muslim Brotherhood. On the one hand, politicians of the Mursi is a mentor group Hamas, but as president, the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty tied Egypt in 1979 and the two countries received billions of dollars in donations from the United States.
U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has also been talking to the foreign ministers of Egypt and Israel, Jordan's King Abdullah and the prime minister of Qatar. "We believe Egypt has an important leadership in this regard. Egyptians have ties with Gaza. Prime minister there yesterday, so we believe they have the power, credibility and attachment to persuade Hamas and its allies to stop," the U.S. State Department.
While the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon is expected to visit Israel and Egypt next week to encourage the cessation of the war in Gaza.
Hamas refuses to recognize Israel's existence. Meanwhile, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank-based recognition of Israel, but the peace talks between the two frozen since 2010.