From Solo : Grebeg 1 Sura Cultural Event

Parade Night 1 Sura was called Wednesday (14/11) through Thursday night (15/11) early morning take a route around the palace Kasunanan Hadiningrat Surakarta.

Along the route Parade, society looks congested. Some slaves palace and saw people gather dirt bule buffalo. According to one of the palace slave, Waginem, 60, he took the dirt buffalo to make fertilizer.

"Dirt is to be mixed with fertilizer to paddy crop pests and diseases are not attacked. If for cattle, this dirt sprinkled on the turf so fat and healthy cattle. "

In the activities of nine hereditary bule buffalo Slamet dikirab Kiai. Thousands of people have witnessed the procession by the turn of the Islamic New Year.

Nine inheritance was paraded around the palace Kasunanan Hadiningrat Surakarta. Parade participants attain estimated 7,000 people, from relatives palace, cemetery, slave palace to peacekeeping personnel.

Traveling carnival from palace to Gladak smoothly. However, while in Bundaran Gladak, buffalo offspring Kiai strike Slamet not want to continue traveling and turned back to the palace. Since the incident, had to open the lines of legacy carriers to give way.

Srati Mahesa or buffalo diviner of five people and helped slaves working palace blarney buffalo back on your way.

Consequences matter could stop line for 15 minutes and finally extend legacy carrier group travel. When the group reached the crossroad near the front of Flexible Plant Wetan, bule buffalo back you want to continue traveling.