From Gresik : Gresik Petroleum Mud

"I think the mudflow mitigation in Metatu, Gresik, East Java, have to learn from the case of Lumpur Sidoarjo," Ridwan said Hisham Monday, November 19, 2012.
Thus, continued Ridwan, first, those who are not experts in the field, especially about petroleum engineering and engineering earth lest commented that makes people confused. Second, immediately do the rescue community and the environment with minimum impact.
"The way to drain into the river mud that was so fast flowing towards the sea. Given the magnitude of the particles will be blown away by the flow of the river to the sea," he said.
Earlier, on Tuesday 13 November 2012 to be exact sudden spurt in the village of mud flow Metatu, District Benjeng, Gresik regency, East Java. On the first day, sludge material mixed gas out of the bowels of the earth to a height reaching 10 meters above ground level. Then, on the third day be reduced to 3 meters. Discharge of liquid and muddy material was accompanied by rumbling sounds and unpleasant smells.
At that time, local officials said, the phenomenon is relatively small compared to the Sidoarjo mudflow some 27 Low Explicit Limit (LEL).
Meanwhile, in order to prevent things that are not desirable, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Gresik cope with building dikes as high as 1 meter, width 50 cm, and a length of 300 meters. It was in anticipation of the mud so as not to overflow houses.