The agreement was completed the seizure of the throne in the kingdom of Mataram by war for 16 years in the aftermath of the transition of power during the late reign Amangkurat IV so that a number of princes leave Kartasura and inter-family battle then erupted.
In Salatiga peace, defined as the Prince Said Miji, equivalent to the King, but must not have a throne, making the square, and planted the banyan tree. As a provision to start a new life, Sunan hand over an area of 4000 works, drawn from some of Surakarta.
Said stop the war, building the Palace, and use the title Princess Gusti Kanjeng Aryo Duke Hamengkoenagoro. So the founding date of March 17 made Mangkunegaran government, and also the Palace of dynasty for 250 years standing majestically on the north side of Jalan Slamet Rijadi, the highway that divides the city of Solo in two.
Gianti peace following the Treaty of Salatiga in 1775 which had divided the former kingdom of Mataram. Some called Surakarta, led Sunan PB (Pakubowono) III, the rest to Prince Mangkubumi who ascended the throne as Sultan HB (lane) I and gave the name of Yogyakarta on its territory.
The three figures in the dispute are still brothers. I Hamengkubuwono uncle Pakubowono III, while the other brother's mother Mangkunegara I Pakubowono III. As the cost of helping resolve conflicts, Mataram pay the Company the Netherlands with the north coast of Central Java, East Java, Surabaya, Pasuruan, and Madura.
Mataram territory grew smaller and even later, during the British rule in the early eighteenth century, Yogyakarta region reduced to form Pura Pakualaman. So from the former Kingdom of Mataram eventually gave birth to four government; namely Pakubowono, Hamengkubuwono, Mangku State, and Paku Alam.
Guild Sunan, the Sultan, the Company
Gianti strategic alliance agreement between Sunan birth, Sultan, and the Company at the same time oblige the newly appointed Sultan helped apprehend Said, son in law. Said replied by return Inten RA, ex-wife as she stormed into the palace of Yogyakarta.
Over the last five years, he had to fight the combined forces, of Pakubowono, Hamengkubuwono and VOC. As a generation fighting spirit, he then created a battle cry, a winged word, tiji tibeh. Or mukti mukti Siji kabeh. Its meaning, if later he had managed to achieve victory, all his followers will surely come mukti.
Through this appeal, despite being chased joint force, Said won the victory with the support of his followers. Nicholas Hartingh call die dood brengt hij zijn Onder vijnden, always spreading deadly for the enemy. Comments such as the legendary Prince Sambernyawa birth or of death.
However, despite well-known skill, spirit combat role models, and strategies lead to admiration, from outside her figure is stunning. Hartingh taunted, "Even well-built, he was short." Similar expressions Yasadipura poet, "... kapiduwung denya sanget little, like Lare kewala Dene (his body was very small, no different than a child)."
Autobiography Without It Invisibility
As an orphan (his mother died when giving birth, her father was exiled to Africa while a new two-year old Said) Said has many advantages. During 16 years of war, he still had time to instruct the manufacture of the following Gamelan dance design; Anglirmendur, Dirodhometho and Sukopratomo, based on the following motion experiences during combat. It also wrote a biography, which by TH Pigeaud entitled Babad nitik Mangkoenegaran. Once copied to the Dutch language and stored in Leiden, the book is then given the title Dagboek van KGPAA Mangkoenegoro I.
Zainuddin Fananie Restructuring Study in Javanese Culture asserted, "The term means nitik pencermatan, Scrutiny. While the Chronicle simply indicate the genre of writing. RM Said's writings is a biography today. A record of real experiences and not just a tale which is always filled with stories of supernatural ... "
Said, Surjokusumo, Sambernyawa, Prang Wedono or Mangku State I (1725-1795), received the award in 1988 Mahaputra Adipurna and is recognized as a National Hero. His figure was phenomenal. Hothead, the wife returns to the in-laws, and behead their enemies.
However, he also bequeathed ten conditions for the Knights of Mataram, "... should be pleased to learn, studying the Koran, like reading, writing clever, agile ride horses, skilled dancing, understand the meaning of song, you know the ancient Javanese language, mastering the science of war and always polite."
Story RM Said when building dynasty Mangkunegoro on Sunday (11/11) evening presented in Solo in colossal ballet titled Adeging Praja Mangkunegaran with over 300 dancers, ten horses and two elephants.
According to the Chief Executive Agus Haryo Sudarmoyo, "... our title to explore creativity in warding off the decline of traditional arts." Meanwhile Pia Alisjahbana from YPPM (Puro Mangkunegaran Observer Foundation) asserted, "... this is the most appropriate moment, to be able to come save the remnants of wealth Traditional Indonesian arts and culture. "Steps must for all Kstaria Mataram to repeat their heyday 250 years into the future.
As an orphan (his mother died when giving birth, her father was exiled to Africa while a new two-year old Said) Said has many advantages. During 16 years of war, he still had time to instruct the manufacture of the following Gamelan dance design; Anglirmendur, Dirodhometho and Sukopratomo, based on the following motion experiences during combat. It also wrote a biography, which by TH Pigeaud entitled Babad nitik Mangkoenegaran. Once copied to the Dutch language and stored in Leiden, the book is then given the title Dagboek van KGPAA Mangkoenegoro I.
Zainuddin Fananie Restructuring Study in Javanese Culture asserted, "The term means nitik pencermatan, Scrutiny. While the Chronicle simply indicate the genre of writing. RM Said's writings is a biography today. A record of real experiences and not just a tale which is always filled with stories of supernatural ... "
Said, Surjokusumo, Sambernyawa, Prang Wedono or Mangku State I (1725-1795), received the award in 1988 Mahaputra Adipurna and is recognized as a National Hero. His figure was phenomenal. Hothead, the wife returns to the in-laws, and behead their enemies.
However, he also bequeathed ten conditions for the Knights of Mataram, "... should be pleased to learn, studying the Koran, like reading, writing clever, agile ride horses, skilled dancing, understand the meaning of song, you know the ancient Javanese language, mastering the science of war and always polite."
Story RM Said when building dynasty Mangkunegoro on Sunday (11/11) evening presented in Solo in colossal ballet titled Adeging Praja Mangkunegaran with over 300 dancers, ten horses and two elephants.
According to the Chief Executive Agus Haryo Sudarmoyo, "... our title to explore creativity in warding off the decline of traditional arts." Meanwhile Pia Alisjahbana from YPPM (Puro Mangkunegaran Observer Foundation) asserted, "... this is the most appropriate moment, to be able to come save the remnants of wealth Traditional Indonesian arts and culture. "Steps must for all Kstaria Mataram to repeat their heyday 250 years into the future.