Traditional market in central java
Pasar gede at the past

Pasargede was established in 1932 by Susuhunan pakubuwono X,and constructed by a Holland Architects used by Surakarta people for buy and sell many of goods,like vegetables,fruits,any of traditional snacks and many more at past time and still function like that until now,but now pasargede also sell fish and aquarium periperal.Pasar Gede also a base of andong(traditional java vehicles which pulled by horses) in past time,because pasar gede is a economic center in Surakarta until now,and surrounding by Chinatown as economic agent.Its located approximately 1 kilometers from Kasunanan Palace,and near from Surakarta major office.This photo explain pasar gede at 1935,andong still a general transportation for carry goods and accompany people to go everywhere which they want to go,the road still quiet without pollution everywhere,not crowd and make us feel free(what relation with our topics?),the building still original and everything still orderly without complex problem like now(stuck in the road,complicated building design and many of social problem).Its make us glad to shopping in the traditional market,people which friendly and offer the goods with smile(now people can angry with us because we not buy their goods).
We have pasar gede photograph from other side,this photo taken by westherfield at 1935,quiet road,andong and great sober of any shop there make our eyes glad to see it,in that’s years commerce activity still held by Chinese people but they make affiliates with Javanese people,their relationship is like brother,not like now,dog and cat always there everyday(what u mean with cats and dog man?).A police officer keep condition controlled and if we saw there,people still orderly without egoism between them.Now we know,why at the past time pasar gede is a great choice for shopping in Surakarta.If we saw at this picture,Chinatown still dominated with Chinese traditional home design around pasar gede solo.Thats all,pasar gede at past time….
Pasar Gede right now

See at this photo,we can compare with picture at upside,many difference from two pictures there,a police post become a clocktowerand the road so crowd with car and another vehincles,but architecture of the building still original without extreme renovation.
There is still Chinatown area which have many of Chinese citizen and they have several shop in pasargede solo,condition there is very great places for study about economic in solo from the past until right now!
Go to solo right now..and find another unique object
Wait for our nex post about solo…