Senin, 19 November 2012

Pindul Cave Yogyakarta

Malioboro Yogyakarta is not only having a lure with a row of stalls of art, or Kota Gede, a hub of silver. Or Bantul are also tempting with leather trinkets and pottery.

You should also taste sensation hidden in Wonosari. Approximately one and a half hours from Yogyakarta, if using personal vehicle. There, you will find a cave Pindul. The cave is located in the village of Beliharjo, Karangmojo. This cave is one of the seven caves in Beliharjo which has an underground river. Lately, Cave Pindul is a selection of tours that succeeded in attracting visitors.

Offered distinct sensation of Yogyakarta tourism, such as art centers or coastal paradise that surrounds Wonosari. You can follow the river to just sit on top of a float. Following the flow of the river that will bring you the most memorable travel experience.

This is clearly different from the activities along the river open. Since you will be enveloped by darkness and the cold cave ambush. Rivers that are not too deep with clear water was really spoiled, because you do not have to worry about security. The sounds of water droplets from the cave that echoed clear, and the occasional chirp of bats flying. Immerse you in an atmosphere of tranquility.

Search activity underground river cave tubing or it will be perfect if you melakukanannya in the morning. Approximately at 08.00 to 10.00. Sunlight will accompany you in the darkness cave. Some spots in the form of cracks cave is still affordable by the sun. But you also have to keep bring small lighting fixtures.

Light spotlight once will explain how the natural beauty of the cave that is created through the stalactites and stalagmites all over the walls. This cave also presents the beauty of crystals and a giant pillar of thousands of years old.

a trip about 300 meters will probably be very short to participate menikpati Joko Singlulung purse. According to legend, this cave including the path by the leaders in the effort to find his father.