Senin, 19 November 2012

Kryptos - Puzzle monument CIA

At CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, there is a monument that contains a secret message. Messages that are confusing even for the most brilliant CIA agent. The monument was named Kryptos. Twenty years have passed, and the Kryptos puzzle still unsolved.

In recent years, a debate has been the object of both outside and inside the CIA headquarters. A monument on the grounds of CIA rooted called Kryptos. Kryptos contains 865 odd characters that look random and irregular.

Kryptos is made by an artist named James Sanborn. He earned an assignment to create a memorial in 1988 when the CIA built a new building behind the main building.

Agency wants an outdoor installation to adorn the area between the two buildings. Sanborn Kryptos uses the name to call their work. The word is derived from the Greek word meaning "hidden". Kryptos describes as a reflection of nature, the nature of secrecy and complexity of the truth, and the message was delivered entirely in code.

A fellow named Ed Scheidt Sanborn estimate that the entire puzzle will be solved in seven years. But 20 years have passed, the hidden message is still not fully resolved. Cooperation among the geniuses in the world and some of the staff managed to break the CIA only 3 parts of the monument which turned out to produce prose-prose that makes this puzzle becomes more confusing. The third part is called K1, K2 and K3. Still unsolved 97 characters from section 4 (K4). And the longer it hangs the puzzle, the more curious they are made.

Perhaps because great curiosity, Sanborn often foreigners caught spying studio. Some others even sacrificed his career for the sake of Kryptos. For example, a man from Michigan was willing to leave the software industry just to be able to devote time to crack the code.

Another man named Randy Thompson has spent three years to solve the puzzle. "I think I'm close to the answer. Could be tomorrow, or it could be I spend the rest of my life to find it." He said. This puzzle also attracted the interest of Dan Brown, author of The Davinci Code pertaining to Kryptos in one of his novels.

In 1999, a computer expert from Los Angeles named Jim Gillogly announced that it has successfully solved the first 3 parts of the code with the help of a computer pentium II and homemade software.

When the work of Jim Gillogly spread, the CIA immediately released a remarkable report. A few months before Gillogly, a CIA agent named David Stein others also have solved the three-part was just using a pencil and paper! Stein takes 400 hours to break it and he has announced the answer to the riddle was in front of a bunch of CIA agents in the auditorium of the CIA in February 1998. The results of that meeting were never published to the media.

Still there are 97 characters left to be solved. Stein and Gillogly intend to devote their time and thought to solve the rest of this puzzle.

"All this is a matter of secrecy," Sanborn said. "It actually describes the condition of the CIA itself, full of secrecy and confidentiality that attract our curiosity into the sky. Agents People calling me the devil because I did not want to tell my secrets," Clearly, Sanborn said, smiling. "But Kryptos will reveal the deepest secrets over time."