Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

OSAMA:The Real story behind dead of Osama

President of the United States, Barack Obama, finally confessedabout his feelings during naval special team raided a house inAbbottabad to find Osama bin Laden. "That is the (time) 40minutes the longest in my life," Barack Obama said in a television interview.

At the White House Situation Room while play was in progress, the President said that when the attack began, he believes there is a risk the possibility of failure.

"Chances are still 55:45. I mean, we can not say for sure that BinLaden was there," he said.

In the hours before the surgery, the thought Black Hawk Down,1993 disaster mission in Somalia where 19 American soldierswere killed, and Jimmy Carter who tried to free the Iranianhostages in 1980, dancing in her mind.

Biting my nails she said, "That was the longest 40 minutes of my life, with the exception of when Sash (his daughter) got meningitis."

In an interview with CBS he also demanded the Pakistani government in investigating whether anyone involved in the networkto support Osama bin Laden. This is his first statement about thepossibility of Pakistani involvement in terrorism. He said that BinLaden would have "a sort of support network" in the country of Pakistan.

After his dead
Former mother-in-law of Osama Bin Laden died suddenly on theday of mourning after the death of ex-law heard it from close family members. Nabiha Ossman, who lives in Syria, in his 70s andreportedly in good health previously.

"Hearing the death of Osama bin Laden last week, she fainted andwas taken to hospital but never regained consciousness and diedon Saturday morning," said a member of his family in the DailyMail.

Nabiha is the mother of Bin Laden's first wife, Najwa GhanemIbrahim. He held a festive wedding in 1974 when Osama was 17 years old and about 15-year-old Najwa.Najwa, who was a first cousin of al-Qaeda leader, gave birth to 11children. They divorced before the attacks of 11 September 2001,and returned to Syria. During his life, Osama had been married tofive women. His last wife, Amal al hard, married after he divorcedwith Najwa.

Story of amar al sadah(osama wife)

Amal al-Sadah is still lying in a hospital in Islamabad due to gunshot wounds while protecting her husband, Osama bin Laden. The woman who is now 27-year-old had been due to celebrate 10 years of marriage to Al-Qaeda's leadership. He was married at the age of 18, but some versions mention 17 years.
Watch Channel International News says her marriage to bin Laden were prepared by a prominent leader of Al Qaeda in Yemen named Sheikh Mohammed Rashed Saeed Ismail. Ismail, who his brother is in U.S. custody at Guantanamo Bay, reportedly said in 2008 that the Charity is one of his students.
"I am a matchmaker (marriage) Osama with his wife, Amal al hard, which is one of my students," he was reported to the Yemen Post.
Ismali focus on Charity, which comes from a town in southwestern Yemen. According to the Sunday Times report last year, the Charity is the daughter of a civil servant. "Coming from a simple family of Yemen, he could live with the hard life in the caves of the mountains and become someone who is very nimble," he said.
When Ismail said it would set her up with bin Laden, he did not mind. Even when told Osama age older even than his father. "He does not mind, and truly believe that being a dutiful wife and obedient to her husband would drive her to a place in heaven," Ismail said, as quoted by The Times.
Task of convincing parents that Bin Laden Charity is a suitable groom who also run Ismail. He told parents that Bin Laden Charity is looking for a wife and choose their child. He says of bin Laden to the parents of Charity that, "He is famous and known for his humility, attention, religion, conviction, generosity and kindness. It would be a good husband for your child."
Teenage girls, who are very religious Ismail called it, was taken out of Yemen and taken to Pakistan. He stayed several days at a guest house in Karachi before being taken to Quetta and from there to Kandahar in Afghanistan where bin Laden was placed 11 years ago. Osama was 43 years old when he married her.
Wedding ceremony performed by Mustafa Abu al-Yazid, chief financial officer of Al-Qaeda. Among them, he is better known as Sheikh Saeed al-Masri, said the Times report.
Amal Ismail told a brief explanation of life after she married Bin Laden. He said that Laden had left the property and wealth for the jihad and that he sometimes lived in caves, in order to save his life.
The report said that bin Laden gave a dowry of 5,000 dollars for a family wedding. Marriage is not attended by the Charity itself, according to Sunni tradition.

His father was reportedly very proud when his daughter married by Osama bin Laden. Since the marriages that occurred in 2000,Amal al hard always accompanied wherever Osama go.

Bin Laden did not leave the room where he was shot during thelast five years. Amal, do the same. He told investigators Pakistan,they have lived in the complex since 2005.

Bin Laden had sent him back to Yemen for his own safety. But somehow he came back despite being under surveillance.

"Charity honor and obey her husband who was older than his ownfather," writes MSNBC. "Although he had to undergo hard lifehiding in dark caves, he did not care and really follow and respecther husband."

Pakistan says that Al hard to be sent back to Yemen after herecovers. This step will prevent the U.S. from the beginning to interrogate him about the existence of bin Laden in Pakistan. The news circulated, Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) does not want details ofthe relationship between Pakistan and Al Qaeda broke out of his mouth.

Amal al hard coming from Yemen. A Yemeni official said his fatherreceived cash of U.S. $ 5,000, such as the Arab custom, after her marriage. He also said "proud" to do so, according to the report.

At first, Amal grew as a teenager like most girls her age. Only, heis very interested in extremist Islamic ideology, writes AP.

That's why, he mengagguk when dipinang bin Laden. Charity is actually the fifth wife, because her husband had just divorced one of the four previous wives. not clear whether Osama divorce one of the four previous wives in order to marry her, or because of other reasons.

After marriage, he reportedly became the beloved wife of binLaden. "He's young enough to not feel jealous of other wives andare very obedient," wrote the Daily Mail.

They can easily communicate with each other because they both use the same dialect of Arabic - Saudi Arabia is bin Laden's home country. After the attacks of 11 September 2001, he had returnedto Yemen. But on their own, she followed her husband back intohiding....


It was at 01.00 when the U.S. Navy SEALs one after surging into the house of Osama bin Laden's hideout. After disabling the guards one by one, they climbed to the third floor of the house.
Soon after the doors opened, they saw the fugitive terrorist in the world's number one center with a young woman, later known named Amal al hard, his last wife. Seeing the danger threatening her husband, she ran to protect her husband. He was shot in the leg.
A moment later, Dorr Dorr .. .. bullets through the head and chest Osama. He was shot in front of him, and girls are the result of her marriage with Al-Qaeda's leadership.
Who Amal al hard, few people know. Daily Mail newspaper which was published in England called, he was the beloved wife of bin Laden. His real name is known from a passport found in raid coincided husband.
Based on information collected in the Daily Mail, Charity was only 18 when married to bin Laden in Afghanistan, a year before the attacks of 11 September 2001. Her marriage was initially touted political nuances: to unite Afghanistan's terrorist network with the Middle East.
However, some indication that the media dismissed. Osama reportedly did love Charity. The man who was then the U.S. began to be hunted even recited a poem on the wedding day and fired automatic rifles to express joy, CNN reported.
Amal has three children from that marriage. Her first child, a woman, go watch his father's death.

In this past week, Muslims protesting the United States whodispose of Osama bin Laden's corpse into the sea and not buriedin the ground. President of the United States, Barack Obama, has denied that Osama burial at sea that violates the rules of Islam.

In an interview with 60 Minutes, Obama answered criticism of the procedures to burial at sea Osama. ''Frankly, we are more concerned about these things than Osama bin Laden when hekilled 3,000 people. He did not notice how they are treated anddestroyed. But, it is something that makes us different. And, I thinkwe handle it (burial Osama) fairly,''Obama said.

Obama called the decision to bury Osama in the Sea was a jointdecision. In fact, the decision has been decided before Osamaconfirmed killed. ''It was a joint decision. We think it's important tothink first how we would dispose of his body when he died in thecomplex,''he said.

Not only that. Obama also admitted that he had consulted withMuslim jurists about the legality of burying the corpse of Osama inthe sea.

''I think that what we are trying to do is to consult with experts inIslamic law to find the right thing and respect his body,''Obamasaid.